Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're back!

Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful new year!  How funny that our first garden meeting took place on another snowy day.  It was so much fun to contemplate warmer, sunnier days in the garden!
We are planning some exciting things for this year's garden, including expanding the children's area to include a "Discovery Garden" and many new plants and themes. We are hoping to open the garden up to more volunteers and partnerships with local groups, so if you or someone you know might be interested, please share news of the garden!

Believe it or not, it is already time to order seeds and soon we'll be starting them for a spring planting. Did you know how many crops can be planted right after the first frost?  They include spring greens and herbs as well as radishes, cabbage and potatoes (peas and onions even sooner)!  Here's a great link from Mother Earth News with more info.

We'll post more as we meet, but here are some pictures from today. Garden planners and yummy treats were the flowers in our garden today! :)

Gotta' have the treats

Garden members Kristen and Jane



Karen and Llenay

Have a wonderful day!

Winter Song