Here are some pictures from this weekend's class and the previous one in June:

sharing some fun stories about insect friends in the garden
sharing some fun stories about insect friends in the garden
picking out nature journals and magnifying glasses
on the hunt for some bugs
found some!
a lovely honey bee, a beneficial insect
making a list of the things we found
and sharing the joy of discovery
some of the great books we read
And some picture from June's class:
discussing an introduction to gardening and how our garden has grown
Thanks to our talented teacher Kristen for all of her work with the children's classes! We love you! :)
We also love to share current studies and news items supporting a healthy diet including fresh local fruits and veggies, so here's a nice one. Researchers highlight how infants who are fed homemade baby food made from fresh fruits and vegetables are significantly more likely to include them in their diet when they get older as compared to infants that consume standard jarred, prepared baby food. (Even babies can taste the difference and seem to remember it!). It makes seeing the really little ones in the garden even more exciting!
Hope you stay cool and enjoy your week.