Monday, May 28, 2012

Getting ready for our festival (Save the date: June 16th)

We're speeding along towards early summer but the 80-90 degree weather makes it feel like late June! Our plants are happy to oblige and are already filling out nicely in the bright sunshine. We've been weeding and getting things looking pretty in preparation for our 3rd annual opening festival in the garden, so save the date and join us from 3-6pm on Saturday, June 16th for food, kid's activities, music and a tour of the garden.

Here's what we've been up to:

Framework for this year's Fairy Garden

Happy plants love all this sunshine

Weeding, weeding, weeding!

Hope to see you all on June 16!  Until then, here's a great site with a similar mission: helping kids connect with nature in their area .  They have some great downloadable resources including activity guides and a nature treasure hunt.  Print one out and have some fun in nature with your favorite kid!

Happy Memorial Day and a big thank you to all those that serve peace and keep us safe, happy and free. ~Marykaye

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Coming right along

Thanks to gorgeous weather and a perfect mix of sun and rain, things are coming along nicely in the garden.  We continue to mulch and prepare beds, but many plants are also making their way into the ground.

This season it's tomatoville in the garden and some of the players we'll enjoy meeting include Paul Robeson, St. Pierre and St. Marzano, along with the cheeky Garden Peach, Ivory Egg and Isis Candy.  We know how to party in this garden! ;)  Other delicious additions will include Cumin, Sorrel, Celery, Anise and Stevia, all of which should be very interesting for the to kids taste and watch growing.

The pace is lovely and we get a lot done, but we also enjoy the time together with friends.  Many a problem is unwound and new solutions uncovered, all while weeding or laying out mulch under a beautiful blue sky.  

Here's what's been going on this week:
Chris contemplates a tomato plant.  Which one will this one be?

Awww, baby rainbow chard, our signature vegetable!

Lovely vistas and images abound every day in the garden

This is the lovely Pam of Pam's Creature Care, by the way.
(You may have heard of her)

Fairy ring still life, the first of many.  (We'll need a time-lapse photo).

The garden is a lovely place for an impromptu gathering.

(We do that a lot). ;)

Many helpers make light work

But you have to take time to play!
(And nothing beats a big pile of dirt).

Hope you have plenty of meaningful work AND time to play this week.  Wishes for a happy Mother's Day for all, including our beautiful Mama Earth!


Winter Song