This past week we were thrilled to have the garden filled with volunteers and they made short work of a field full of weeds. (The composted area had lay unplanted as we worked on other areas of the garden but quickly seeded itself with life, as good soil will). We later learned that the particular weed, "lamb's quarters" are actually a nutritious foraged edible that you can purchase by the pound at some health food stores! (We'll be sure to collect some to try next time we weed!).
Thanks again to the folks at for the donations of free or discounted compost and the wonderful ladies from the YWCA and our two local girl scout troups. We appreciate you all so much! Our loaner truck is filled to the brim and ready to be used today when we head out to the garden to plant peas and work on some weeding with our volunteers.
Here are some pictures from last week: