Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Join us at the Mechanicsburg Earth Festival this weekend!

We are all chomping at the bit to get back out there for our spring planting but plans are still on hold awaiting tilling of the garden by the township. We have some calls out and are hoping that that may take place sometime in the next week or two!  For now, we're gazing at slender green seedlings and dreaming of abundant harvests... :)
To hold us over, here's some news from around the webisphere that seemed interesting:

We aren't the only ones that think kids and gardening go together well.  It's exciting to hear that the USDA is funding a $1 million dollar initiative to establish vegetable gardens at 70 elementary schools in four states.  The goal of the pilot program is to help educate kids about food production and good nutrition, acknowledging that a garden is one of the best (and most fun!) ways to do that.  You can read more about it here:

We hope you can join us this weekend for the Mechanicsburg Earth Day Festival from 9 to 3 pm.  It's a great opportunity to enjoy music and fun activities while remembering to honor this beautiful earth, our home!  Our Children's Rainbow Garden members will be hosting a table with kid's activities and helping out at the festival throughout the day.

You can check out: for more information.

~Hope your Earth Day (4/23) is wonderful wherever you are! :)


  1. Unfortunately, the festival has been cancelled due to inclement weather. See


Winter Song