Hello! Hope you are enjoying some of the rainbow of treasures we are finding in our garden these days. We were pleased with our first large harvest last week and picked a variety of items including some of the grain (oats, red wheat and ruby red corn), some cabbages, beets and carrots and plenty of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cantaloupe and even some early watermelon! Throw in some onions and red potatoes and we were ready to celebrate with a feast! Garden members have been enjoying the delicious fresh produce but we are grateful to begin to have enough to start to donate as well. (If you have a hankerin' for some of these please come on down and pick some to enjoy!). Very high temps alternating with heavy rainfall are a challenge but things seem to be thriving pretty well so far.
Here are some nice pictures (thanks, Angie!):

Some of the gorgeous ladies responsible for this year's garden
a good evening's work
What's for dinner? Yum!
oats (cut and tied into shocks to dry)
Better than a bouquet of flowers!
a small watermelon that was turning black on the underside, so we cut it open and enjoyed it!
a bounty of beautiful peppers
caterpillar friend relocated from the carrot patch
Sigh, such a wonderful time of year for delicious food! Here's your weekly dose of recipe inspiration; check out these links for some more creative (and yummy) ideas for preparing the veggies on your table:
Have a great week!
~posted by Angie and Marykaye
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